For Employers
A SIMPLE IRA : can be established by company that:
Has no more than 100 employee who earned at least $5000 in compensation from the company during the prior calendar year
Maintains no other qualified plans
Want retirement vehicle allowing employee contributions
No set-up cost
No IRS approval or annual From 5550 reporting required ( certain disclosure and notification must be provides to employees annually and to e employees)
No minimum number of participants required
Plan may be terminated at the end of at any calendar year without cost
Eligible employees may but are not required to contribute a portion or their compensation, up to the annual maximum deferral amount(with additional Catch up contribution if eligible)
Company must select from one of the the following options:
Matching contribution : 100% of salary deferral up to 3% of an employee's compensation (may be reduced to no less than 1% in two out of five years)
Non-elective contribution:2% of each eligible employee's compensation(subject to IRS limit) regardless of weather they are deferring salary
Any contributions mad eon behalf of plan participants are generally tax deductible by the employer
Employee Eligibility Requirements
Employees are eligible to participate if they: